Genesis 1973 Gig Guide
Venue |
City |
Country |
Date |
Best Of British Festival | Frankfurt | Germany | 14.1.73 |
Stadthalle | Heidelberg | Germany | 15.1.73 |
Palasport | Reggio Emilia | Italy | 20.1.73 |
Palasport | Rome | Italy | 21-22.1.73 |
Hippodrome | Bristol | England | 4.2.73 |
Rainbow Theatre | London | England | 9.2.73 |
The Dome | Brighton | England | 10.2.73 |
Guildhall | Plymouth | England | 12.2.73 |
University | Exeter | England | 14.2.73 |
Green’s Playhouse | Glasgow | Scotland | 16.2.73 |
City Hall | Sheffield | England | 17.2.73 |
Town Hall | Birmingham | England | 18.2.73 |
New Theatre | Oxford | England | 19.2.73 |
University | York | England | 21.2.73 |
City Hall | Newcastle | England | 22.2.73 |
Grand Hall (University) | Lancaster | England | 23.2.73 |
Free Trade Hall | Manchester | England | 24.2.73 |
De Montfort Hall | Leicester | England | 25.2.73 |
Civic Hall | Dunstable | England | 26.2.73 |
Grand Theatre | Quebec QC | Canada | 3.3.73 |
Spectrum | Montreal QC | Canada | ?.3.73 |
Carnegie Hall | New York NY | USA | 8.3.73 |
Tower Theatre | Upper Darby PA | USA | ?.3.73 |
? | Chicago IL | USA | ?.3.73 |
? | Miami FL | USA | 13.3.73 |
Philharmonic Hall (2 shows) | New York NY | USA | ?.4.73 |
ORTF Studios | Paris | France | 6.5.73 |
Olympia Theatre | Paris | France | 7.5.73 |
Festival | Reading | England | 26.8.73 |
Note: This is the guide as published in #10 of TWR.