Twenty one Years of Genesis Fanzines and Fan clubs - examined by Peter Morton.
I thought that as we here at The Waiting Room are entering our sixth year of publication that it would be a good opportunity to take a little trip back and take a look at the fanzines/fan clubs from over the past twenty one years (yes they really HAVE been going that long!) that have been written about Genesis.
The first fanxine/club to my knowledge began in 1971 and was called The Hogweed Youth Movement. This production lasted for a few years in the early 1970’s. Of the little information I have it seems as though tis was the first “official” Genesis fan club.
In 1976, the next official fan club came into existence in the form of Genesis Information which is still in existence today. This was started and is still run by Geoff Parkin. The club’s magazine has recently reached its 53rd issue, although it is now only published once or twice a year. The American side of the operation is now run by Brad Lentz.
Afterglow was the first Genesis fanzine which was created in 1980 by Roger and Russell Morgan. This well produced fanzine lasted for about four years and began by featuring articles on all of the Genesis members past and present. By issue ten it had begun to feature other up and coming progressive rock acts such as Twelfth Night and Marillion. At only 35p an issue, this fanzine represented very good value for money.
Paperlate, the Italian Genesis fanzine first appeared back in the early 1980’s and is still in circulation today although like Afterglow, as it has progressed, it has tended to feature other progressive rock acts as well as Genesis. It is also worth noting that it is written in Italian.
During the 1986/87 Genesis world tour, two new Genesis fanzines appeared. These were Ripples from Australia, produced by David Birtwell and Richard Harms and the other was, of course, The Waiting Room, which was created by Alan Hewitt, Ted Sayers and my good self. While modesty forbids us from saying anything about the latter of these two magazines, Ripples went on to become the official fan club magazine in Australai, although it has lately ceased publication.
More recently still, from Italy and Germany come two new Genesis fanzines: Dusk and Invisible Touch respectively. Both are written in their respective languages and are packed with information on the group’s current and past members.
Finally, to bring us right up to date, Pascal Fourage from France has just finished a fanzine called, simply: Genesis. No other details are available at present although I understand issue one is now available. Logically enough, the magazine is written in French.
As far as I am aware, this concludes the list of al of the fanzines/fan clubs that have been written on or about Genesis over the past twenty one years. Doubtless to say, there cold be others, so if you do know of any more, please let us know the details.