“In conversation” - Genesis interviewed by Chris Tarrant on GLR Radio on 1st January 1992 (pt2). Photos and memorabilia: TWR archive/Alan Perry.
INT: there’s the age-old problem for you guys, how are you going to relate to your families? Are you going to take them on the road with you - will you have nannies?
TB: In the early days people used to think we were mad because before there were kids, wives and girlfriends used to do a lot of travelling with us.
PC: We never left anything to chance, we brought our women with us!
MR: We suffered because we got into the habit of doing a year’s tour and it’s easy to forget that the three of us are in charge of our own destiny, and if we want to do a short tour, we can do it. Last time about two thirds of the way through it, we looked around and that was a hard tour. We kind of asked; “why are we doing it?” and then we realised because it was habit, you know, and it never occurred to us to actually cut down.
INT: What’s the worst tour you’ve done?
PC: I don’t know what it was but we were playing in the big cities in the US and there were a lot of other places that we’d never played before and if we actually played those places. It was a make or break situation in a sense because we thought if we are going to make it to a certain level in the States we are going to have to play those places to break through and that’s what we did. My marriage broke up at the end of the year after we had done three American tours - we also did two European tours and a Japanese tour and we were away most of the time.
TB: I think it was still easier for me and Mike at that time as we had kids. I had my first child in that year in fact, and they came out with us but with Phil, his kids were at school age and so his wife and family didn’t come out at all, so it was difficult.
INT: So what’s in the future then? Your tour will possibly last six months - possibly longer. How are your solo careers going to continue around that?
MR: We haven’t really thought about it much.
PC: I’ve got a film lined up in January before we go on tour. I’m sort of being Phil Collins for a little while there and then we’re back to being the anonymous three of us, then after the tour we will all do our different things again.
TB: I think in all the success we always go through a Genesis patch and it’s not normally a problem - you put everything on hold and in fact, in January I am releasing my last record; Still. It’s being released in America so I am going to be involved in that.
INT: Releasing your last record - EVER?
TB: The album has been out over here for a few months but it is only just being released in the States, so I am going to be involved in that and then I may do a bit of re-promotion here and try to convince people like you that it’s really fantastic.
MR: I’m going to have two months off, I hope!
INT: But you won’t relax will you, Phil? You’ll just keep on working won’t you?
PC: Yeah I do. There’s lost of people that I’d like to work with and things turn up and there’s the film of course. There’s also one film that I have been trying to get off the ground for ages, this Three Bears thing - that’s going to be made at the end of the next year.