"Live In The Living Room" - Anthony Phillips' "Echoes"
CD and lyric book reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
Long overdue, this project has finally come to fruition thanks to the collaboration
of quite a few people. Special thanks first of allmust go to Helmut Janisch
who has done a SUPERB job with the compilation of the lyric book. The overall
packaging of lyrics and accompanying text and photos has been extremely tastefully
put together and represents a lot of hard work on Helmut's partso WELL DONE,
Helmut! And now to the music… Any "Live" performance by Anthony has
to be special and this one is certainly no exception! Originally conceived as
a "Living Room Concert" for an American radio station the music on
this disc repsresents and Anthony Phillips that his fans wouldlike to see more
of: LIVE!
The album begins with Reaper from the first of the Private Parts & Pieces
albumsand it is amazing to hear the piece almost in its original formand Anthony's
playing was a revelation -busk indeed! Two classics from Ant's first soloalbum;The
Geese & The Ghost follow; Which Way The Eind Blows and Henry: Portraits
From Tudor Times,and it is imossible to describe the feeligog hearing these
live for the first time. Anthony's vocals on the first track are superb and
Iwondernow why he didn't record them himself on the album. Musically the suite
of pieces which follows it is breathtaking in itsscope for Anthony to ty and
re-create it allon his own was a brave step and well worth it. His own style
and appreciation of both space and form are exemplary here.
A new piece follows whih has been titled Conversation Piece and although it
is supposed to be new I can't help feeling that some of the themes have been
used before. Flamingo and Field Of Eternity are next and serve as suitable reminders
of what Anthony is rightly famed for: beautiful acoustic guitar work and on
these two that work is impeccably displayed by two virtuoso performances. The
weakest track on the entire collection follows in the form of Sistine which
has never been favourite of mine but nevertheless it serves as an example of
another style which Anthony has explored. The album is roundedoff however, by
three of Anthony's finest compositions beginning with Lights On The Hill which
is even more beautiful in the live context that it is on the studio album from
which it comes. Last Goodbyes another example of Anthony's exquisite piano style
leads us into the grandeur of Collections where everything that I have come
tolove about Anthony's music over the last seventeen or so years can be herd
in one piece of music;the beauty the grace depth and harmony of this piece really
do defy words (well…. Almost!) and a finer way to round off a live performance
by Anthony would be difficut to imagine.
As youcan see, I am highly enthusiastic about this CD and booklet. I know my
views are biased but even so; this CD is a very welcome addition to Anthony's
canon of work. I can only hope that it might tempt him into trying the real
thing in the not TOO distant future - hint,hint! In the meatime, if you have
ever wondered what Anthony might sound like live; give this CD a listen;I guarantee
you will NOT be disappointed!