TWR #35 - Contents
Interview: "Between the tape deck and the tea cup" - Steve Hackett talks about "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Interview: "An Alien Afternoon with Tony Banks" - Tony talks to TWR about the new Genesis album
Interview: "Live on the Rockline" - Peter Gabriel in conversation about the "Us" album
Review: "From Genesis To Re-evaluation" - A personal perspective on the new Genesis album
Article: "The Genesis Story" - Part 17: The "We Can't Dance" album
Article: "Something Happened On The way To Acapulco" - The Phil Collins Story, Part Three: But Seriously
Interview: "The A to Z of Genesis" - Tony Banks continues his discussion of his career in the band
Review: "Another Catch At The Tables" - The rest of the "Private Parts & Pieces" albums by Anthony Phillips
Article: "Maltese Ants" - Genesis in Malta, Julu 1 and July 2, 1997 - A report on the band's video shoot for the Congo single