"Live - not Memorex! Part One" - Invisible Touch at the West One Four, London, Saturday April 28, 2001. Review and photographs by Alan Hewitt.
Having missed the chance to see the guys over the last few months due to one thing or another, I was delighted to have the opportunity of checking them out again here at the W14 - scene of so many of ReGenesis' finest moments. Earlier in the day myself and Dave Whitehouse had managed to have a word or several with Mr. Hackett - about which you can read elsewhere in TWR - before getting to the venue in time for an extremely lengthy soundcheck.Showtime eventually arrived and the band came on stage to cheers from a small but receptive audience and immediately launched into the heavy rock of "Dodo/Lurker" and "Abacab" which got the audience going. Some slight technical problems delayed the next song, but Dave Woodward ably stepped into the breach with an unscheduled performance of "Horizons" before normal service was resumed with "Domino". "Deep In The Motherlode" followed and this was a new one in the band's repertoire for me and one which still needs some work before it comes good but a brave attempt anyway. Following this with "Supper's Ready" was even braver but the band captured the essential spirit and passion of the song to perfection.
The rest of the show drew on a selection of classics including the magnificent "Dance On A Volcano/Los Endos" which featured an amazing drum solo from Phil Duke - where she gets the energy for this from, I simply don't know but it was superb! Another excellent performance somewhat marred by technical faults but the band themselves gave 110% as always - well done, guys!
The setlist: Dodo-Lurker / Abacab / Domino / Deep In The Motherlode / Supper's Ready / The Fountain Of Salmacis / Mama / In The Cage - In That Quiet Earth - Slippermen - Afterglow / Invisible Touch / Home By The Sea - Second Home By The Sea / Dance On A Volcano - Drum Duet - Los Endos / I Know What I Like
"Live- not Memorex! Part Two" - Invisible Touch live at The Limelight Club, Crewe, Sunday, May 6, 2001. Review by Alan Hewitt.
"What a difference a day makes..." - or so the song goes. In this case what a difference a week made! This was my second gig by the band in a week and boy was it different!
The first difference was that there was actually a receptive and large audience at this gig. Frankly, the audience at the previous show at the W14 in London had been lacklustre to say the least. Here, in Crewe, the audience were more than prepared to give the band a fair hearing and reward them with warm and frequent applause. The more important difference was in the band's performance itself. Gone was the nervous tension which seemed to permeate their performance at the London gig and which to some extent, sapped their energy. There was no sign of nerves as the band came on stage and powered their way through the opening trilogy of "Dodo/Lurker" and "Abacab" which were played faultlessly and elicited a rowdy response from the crowd.
Drawing heavily on the more rocky elements of the band's repertoire, the performances of "Domino" and "No Son Of Mine" also went down well with the crowd as well as proving that the band themselves had ironed out whatever wrinkles had marred last week's performance to some extent. The heart of the show though really was the extended medley comprising "In The Cage-Slippermen-Afterglow" followed by a glorious performance of "Horizons" before "Supper's Ready" threatened to bring the house down. This performance was absolutely stunning with everyone playing their hearts out.
"Dance On A Volcano" and "Los Endos" rounded off the show proper with an incredible performance of drumming from Phil, how she does it is beyond me but this part of the show is always stunning! Leaving the stage to well-deserved and raucous applause, they soon returned to leave us happy with the usual encores of "Invisible Touch" and "Turn it On Again" which got everyone in party mood. On this showing, the band are in great form so catch them if you can, you won't be disappointed, I guarantee it!
The setlist: Dodo - Lurker / Abacab / Domino / No Son Of Mine / Home By The Sea - Second Home By The Sea / Land of Confusion / In The Cage - In That Quiet Earth - Slippermen - Afterglow / Horizons / Supper's Ready / I Know What I Like / Dance On A Volcano - Drum Solo - Los Endos
Encores: Invisible Touch / The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway - The Musical Box / Turn It On Again.