"It really is… About Time" - The first solo album by Dik Cadbury
reviewed by Alan Hewitt
Yes, folks with Mr Hackett's profile riding high at the present moment it
is great to be able to mention an album by one of the stalwarts from Steve's
old band. Dik will be fondly remembered by many Hackett fans and this, appropriately
titled album has been long overdue.
I had forgotten just how good a voice Dik had, and the first track on the album:
Bittersweet Mystery certainly reminded me with a delightful vocal accompanied
by a simple yet effective acoustic guitar and saxophone accompaniment. Paper
Round is an altogether more upbeat track but with a whistful lyric …."I
could have been a teenage idol… but I had - but I had a… paper round" .
More Than This is another delightful ballad. Hitting The Ground Running has
a countryfied feel to it without descending into mawkish sentiment. The rest
of the album contains a wonderful selection of material, faultlessly performed
and Dik's vocals are simply amazing…the only thing that amazes me is that it
has taken this long for him to release an album…. About Time, indeed! An excellent
album, highly recommended if you like your music tasteful, tuneful and melodic!
About Time - Choice Of Music 200 102-2
Further Info: www.dikcadbury.com