"Kasdeja's Children" by Justin Peter Beaney. Reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
I never thought I would become a literary critic folks but here I am reviewing a first novel but why am I reviewing it here in TWR? Well hopefully that will become apparent shortly.
Justin contacted me a while ago about another project and mentioned that he had a novel that he would like me to read for an opinion. I quite naturally forgot all about it until the book and its attendant publicity blurb thudded through my letter box with a covering letter from Justin. His timing was perfect: I was looking for something new to read and preferably fiction rather than "faction". I didn't read the attached blurb because I didn't want to have my opinion coloured in any way.
So, once ensconced in my favourite chair I began reading. The story is an intriguing one; based round a central character who in his spare time is a Progressive Rock fan who occasionally writes reviews for publications etc (someone we know at TWR perhaps?) who becomes involved in a fight between the forces of Good and Evil to resolve an ancient injustice. There are numerous references to Genesis and other groups of that ilk but that is not the reason why I am recommending that you give this book a try. Justin has managed to take a basic idea which is tried and tested and yet gives it a new slant. The characters are well-observed and described; the story does not become bogged down in footnotes and trivia and moves at a reasonable pace to a very surprising conclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I am sure that some of you will too - give it a try!
Kasdeja's Children by: Justin Peter Beaney. Janus Publishing £13.99 (Paperback)