"Painted Red And Gold - The Long Night Of Evan Raby" by Justin Peter Beaney. Reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
Not a Genesis book, or indeed anything to do with Genesis, this is the second novel by Justin. Some of you may remember my review of his first work; Kasdeja's Children in a previous edition of TWR.
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This is another excellent work with an intriguing storyline which I won't spoil here. There is an originality of thought in Justin's work which is so often lacking in novels these days and yes, there are some references to the world of Prog Rock and indeed Genesis within its pages but you will have to dig to find them! Another extremely enjoyable read with an original plot line and well developed characterisations - Justin's work deserves a wider audience and if you are interested in contacting him then you can do so at: justin.beaney@virgin.net