“Genesis” – by Lukasz Hernik. Review by Alan Hewitt.
Well, another first here at TWR HQ. Lukasz’s book is the first that I have ever seen in Polish! This, of course, makes the act of reviewing the content somewhat difficult because my Polish isn’t really up to it – in fact it is non-existant!
Nonetheless, this is a weighty tome containing a massive 542 pages of text and illustrations. Lukasz has certainly marshalled his forces well and I am sure the text is well informed and indeed informative – an English translation would make for very interesting reading I am sure.
The book is also well illustrated with a wealth of material from various sources including the excellent Genesis Museum website run by Adam Gottlob as well as some illustrations that will no doubt be familiar to readers of TWR and my own most recent book; Genesis Revisited! All this and a superb cover by Paul Whitehead no less make this another useful addition to the growing catalogue of books on our heroes – well done Lukasz!
Genesis W Kranic Muzycznych Olbrzymow
In Rock ISBN 978-83-60157-26-8
Price 45,90 Zloty.