TWR #82 - Contents
An Announcement - A shameless plug for Alan Hewitt's book, Genesis Revisited (requires Acrobat Reader). Available to order now at Record Corner's Amazon webshop.
Another Announcement - Another shameless plug for Alan Hewitt's latest book, Sketches of Hackett (requires Acrobat Reader). Available now at Wymer Publishing.
Interview: In Conversation - Daryl Stuermer interviewed by WKLH Radio on 8th March 2007. Interview transcribed by Alan Hewitt. Photographs: Inside Out Music, Rhino Records/Sylvia Pistel, Jonathan Guntrip, Mike Ainscoe.
Interview: “Always the bridesmaid and never the bride…” - TWR’s editor, Alan Hewitt interviewed by Frank Rogers with guest appearances by Mr Steve Hackett and Mr David Negrin. Interview conducted by Frank Rogers at TWR HQ on Sunday 2nd September 2012. Photographs and memorabilia: TWR Archive.
CD Review: “A Trip to the City Of Dreams” - Anthony Phillips’ new Private Parts & Pieces album reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
Article: “Big Bands, The King Of The Swingers and Willing Testaments” - The Phil Collins Story reaches the Tarzan, Testify and Brother Bear albums. Your narrator: Alan Hewitt. Memorabilia: TWR Archive. Photographs: Jon Guntrip, Albert Gouder, Lasse A Huhta, S Holmes.
Article: Phil Collins tour dates, Videography and Discography, 1998-2003
Article: EDITOR’S PICKS 2012