"Stories Of Genesis" by Chris James. Reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
A last minute arrival this one - literally! I was just putting this edition to bed when this little tome thudded through the letterbox. It won’t be the first time that literature inspired by Genesis’ music has been reviewed here in TWR (The Long Night Of Evan Raby and Kasdejsa’s Children both by Justin Beaney anyone?).
What we have here are a selection of short stories inspired by Genesis songs. Each story is entire and intact in its own right and all are equally entertaining although the one I enjoyed the most was The Agent Lunges for reasons which will remain private! Chris definitely has a flair for this kind of writing and as a frustrated novelist myself I envy him his brevity although personally I feel that some of the would have been none the worse for being a bit longer - hey, Genesis learned the art of self-editing too, didn’t they? I think any fan of Genesis will enjoy these stories and I can’t wait for Volume 2!
For more information about this book and Chris’ other work, check out his blog at: www.chrisjamesauthor.com
Or of course, you can have a go at the competition later in this edition.