TWR #86 - Contents
Interview: “So, that’s how you do it!” - A technical Q & A session with Steve Hackett’s keyboards man and technical wizard, Roger King. Grilling conducted by Frank Rogers. Photographs: Jo Hackett, Stuart Barnes, Andy Brailsford, Albert Gouder, Richard Nagy and Alan Hewitt.
CD Review: “A transfusion of live blood” - Peter Gabriel’s Live Blood album reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
Tour Review: “Hackett Revisited” Or… “What I did on my holidays” - The second of this years’ tour reports by your roving reporter and sometime editor Alan Hewitt. Photographs by Alan Hewitt and Mike Ainscoe. Memorabilia: TWR Archive.
Gig Review: "A meal in three courses" - Peter Gabriel live at the Glasgow Hydro, 24th October 2013. Review by Ian D. Hall. Photos by M. Ainscoe and E. Sayers.
Gig Review: “Genesis Revisited - Revisited” - Steve Hackett in concert at the Manchester Apollo Theatre on Saturday 26th October 2013. Review and photographs by Mike Ainscoe. Memorabilia: TWR Archive.
Gig Review: Steve Hackett in concert at the Philharmonic Hall Liverpool Tuesday 29th October 2013. Review by Ian D. Hall. Photos by M. Ainscoe and E. Sayers.
Gig Review: Steve Hackett In concert at the Philharmonic Hall Liverpool Tuesday 29th October 2013. Review by Frank Rogers. Photographs by Frank Rogers and Alan Hewitt.
Gig Review: “All the right notes…. ” - Los Endos in concert at the Robin 2 Bilston on Saturday 11th January 2014. Review and photographs by Alan Hewitt.
Gig Review: Mama in concert at the Box Crewe 6th December 2013 AKA: “The Very Musical Box!”. Review by Graham Drabble. Photographs by Alan Hewitt.
Book Review: “Don’t judge a book by its cover” - Without Frontiers - The Life And Music Of Peter Gabriel by Daryl Easlea reviewed by Alan Hewitt.
Article: “The Invited Guest” - Part three of our examination of the collaborative work by Steve Hackett where Alan Hewitt brings things slightly more up to date with a look at the projects Steve has been involved with since the 2000’s.
Article: “It was thirty six years ago…. “ - Yet another nostalgic traipse down Memory Lane by Alan Hewitt. Photographs by Mike Ellison, Alan Perry. Memorabilia: TWR Archive.
Article: "Don’t Fold This Programme" - The Solo Artists’ tour programmes examined by Alan Hewitt.
Article: SAW IT ON TV. Photographs by Jill Walker and Ted Sayers.