Only one thing to mention here this time round, folks but something a bit special. It is strange to think that if it hadn’t been for good friends of mine, I would never have been introduced to the world of Genesis tribute bands. Well, those same good friends have done it again and this time I feel slightly ashamed to say that I could have discovered the guys I am about to mention myself as they are based practically on my doorstep!
I am referring to Tony and Jim Coburn whose alter egos are a certain John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Yes, they pay homage to two of the greatest performers/lyricists that this country and indeed, the world has ever seen! Originally part of The Blue Meanies band, they have been performing under their own steam on and off for over ten years now. I admit to not being massively enamoured of The Beatles even though there is an apocryphal connection between myself and the Fab Four (maybe I will tell that in a future edition), but once again my friends eventually persuaded me to visit The Cavern to see Tony and Jim perform their separate sets and I was mightily impressed. The deceptive thing is that there are so many songs by Lennon and McCartney that I didn’t know they had written and most of these songs have formed a subconscious part of my life in one way or another.
Others such as Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday, Hey Jude, Get Back etc are a part of rock and roll legend and deservedly so. There are an awful lot of tributes around to the Fab Four and new ones are springing up every day. Tony and Jim managed to combine an authentic sound with an evident enjoyment of the music which makes the experience of watching them perform a genuine pleasure and when they perform together, the end result is simply astonishing it is pretty damn close to the real thing and I don’t say that lightly either! In view of the fact that they are regulars at the Cavern and Cavern Pub I think I might just be “getting back” to see them again in the near future - well done, chaps!