"Consummatus Est" - Peter Gabriel: Not One Of Us - The final volume in the Genesis Files series by Mario Giammetti. Review by Alan Hewitt.
For those of you unfamiliar with the title it means “it is accomplished” and indeed the title is extremely apt as this volume represents the culmination of an incredible effort by long standing Genesis fan and editor of the illustrious Dusk Magazine, Mario Giammetti.
Mario’s work is no stranger to the pages of TWR as I have taken great pleasure in reviewing each and every one of his books ever since his first slender tome back in 1998 (I think?). Each and every one of them has been a delight and this one is no exception.
Tackling Peter’s story as a solo musician has daunted many a person, especially with Peter’s well known reticence when it comes to interviews but that has not deterred Mario in the slightest. As usual, his research work is impeccable and the illustrations are well chosen and include many which I for one have never seen before.
Covering Peter’s entire career in stunning detail, this one redefines that well -worn phrase; labour of love for this is exactly what this volume represents, a truly Herculean effort on the part of its creator and one which any fans of Peter’s work, in and out of Genesis, will treasure. If these volumes ever receive an English translation (and I for one hope that they do) then I shall hang up my pen and retire! All I can say in summation is - bravo maestro!